07/05/2020 às 18:36 Shot Session

At the top of the mountain

2min de leitura

If there is a clear meaning of the word '' example '' and '' responsibility '', this couple defines her in the best possible way, under the age of 23 they already have a background each, have already purchased their apartment, bought their furniture , and their wedding was already scheduled for the month of April 2020, which unfortunately had to postpone without due date due to the pandemic that we are facing, but trying to get something good out of all this, they will be able to prepare even more for the event their wedding and maybe even not just getting married at the registry office now, since they already have everything, and then when they are allowed to celebrate the wedding, they can get together and party with the family to celebrate this noble act that is the wedding.

But ... each one is each and each couple has their plans, I can't say what theirs are, but that they left us open-mouthed with their condition due to the age they have left.

They wanted to do their shot session on a mountain well known here in Brazil, Paraná, called '' Pico Agudo '' which is located in the city of Sapopema. We who almost didn't like adventure came up at the same time, set the day and went.

We woke up at 1am, took 1h40 on an asphalt road, plus about 40min on a dirt road. Anyway we arrived at the foot of the mountain, left the car, listened to the advice of the mountain team and started our climb to see the sunrise and of course, take many beautiful photos from above. After approximately 1h15 of intense walking, rocks and a lot of forest, we reached the top of the mountain...

07 Mai 2020

At the top of the mountain

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